Check story mass data for a building structure in spreadsheet format tables. Use "Story" to enter story data before accessing this function.
Table Tool in MIDAS/Gen offers a variety
of powerful built-in functions. Refer to the following items for detail
Basic directions (Cell motion, selection, size control, etc.)
Data manipulation (Add, delete, modify data, etc.)
Copy/Paste data using clipboard
Supplementary functions by Table types
From the Main Menu select Query > Story Mass Table.
Select Query > Story Mass Table from the Tables tab of the Tree Menu.
Refer to Usage of Table Tool and enter or modify the following data :
Story Mass
Story: Story name
Level: Story elevation
Translation Mass
X - Dir: Lumped mass in GCS X-direction
Y - Dir: Lumped mass in GCS Y-direction
Rotational Mass: Rotational mass moment of Inertia
Center of Mass
X - Coord: X-axis coordinate of the center of mass
Y - Coord: Y-axis coordinate of the center of mass
X - Dir
Mass in GCS X-direction
Story: Story name
Level: Story elevation
Nodal Mass: Nodal lumped mass
Load To Mass: Masses converted from loads
Diaphragm Mass: Story (diaphragm) mass
Structure Mass: Mass converted from self weight
SUM: Sum of the masses at a given story
Y - Dir and Z - Dir are similar to X - Dir.
Data cannot be changed in this function.