Pushover Result Function




Specify the types of pushover analysis results, and define graphic output functions. Output functions can be also created or changed in Design > Pushover Analysis > Pushover Graph in the post-processing.




Click Define/Modify Function button in the Pushover Graph menu.




กแ When Pushover Hinge Deform/Force is selected [Details…]


Pushover Hinge Deform/Force


Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function (Pushover Hinge Deform/Force).


Type of Element


Beam : Select Beam type when pushover hinge type is specified as Beam/Column.

Truss : Select Truss type when pushover hinge type is specified as Truss.

General Link : Select General Link when pushover hinge type is specified as General Link.

Wall : Select Wall when pushover hinge type is specified as Wall element. 


Element No : Enter the element number, or click in the entry field then select the element from working window.


Type of Result


Deformation : Total deformation of pushover hinge 

Force : Member force of an element

Plastic Deformation : Plastic deformation of an element (Total deformation of hinge – Yield deformation)



Plastic deformation is displayed as zero before yielding.




When Deformation is selected

The component may be selected from  DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY and RZ.


When Force is selected

The components may be selected from Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Torsion, Moment-y and Moment-z.


Location : Assign a position of the truss element for which analysis results are required. Location is changed according to the specified hinge type.


Pushover Load Case


Select a load case for which pushover graphs will be drawn.








กแ When General Link Deform/Force is selected [ Details…]


General Link Deform/Force


Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function (Pushover Hinge Deform/Force).


GL-Link No. : Select the General Link element number.



Deformation : Deformation of General Link

I-Node Force : Member force at starting point General Link

J-Node Force : Member force at ending point

Component : Component may be selected from Axial, Shear-y, Shear-z, Torsion, Moment-y and Moment-z.


Pushover Load Case


Select a load case for which pushover graphs will be drawn.








กแ When Displacement is selected [Details…]






Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function. (Nodal displacement) .


Node Number : Enter the node number or select  the entry field then click the node with the mouse from the working window.


Reference Point


Absolute : Absolute displacement of the specified node

Relative Node : Relative displacement to Relative Node

Component : Specify a component direction of displacements. The directions of displacements may be DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY or RZ.


Pushover Load Case


Select a load case for which pushover graphs will be drawn.








กแ When Load Increment History is selected [Details…]



  Load Incremental History


Name : Enter the name of a Graph Function. (Load Increment History)  


Pushover History Load Case


Select a load case for which pushover graphs will be drawn.  

