Safety Verification




Check safety verification results for the no-collapse requirement (ultimate limit state) under the seismic design situation in a spreadsheet format table. Partial factors for material properties applied on member capacities are taken from the Design>Steel/Concrete Design Parameters>Partial Safety Factors. Second-order effects can be taken into account by checking on “Consider P-Delta Effect” in the Design>Pushover Analysis>Pushover Load Case.


For the ductile member, safety verification is checked in terms of member deformations (chord rotations) with appropriate material partial factors and confidence factor applied on member deformation capacities. For the brittle member, safety verification is checked in terms of member forces (shear forces) with appropriate material partial factors and confidence factor applied on member force capacities.


Currently, this verification is performed only for the beams and columns of RC and steel structure.



In order to use this function, first the target displacement for the design spectrum must be calculated from  Design>Pushover Analysis>Pushover Curve.


Table Tool in MIDAS/Gen offers a variety of powerful built-in functions. Refer to the Usage of Table Tool for detailed information.




From the Main Menu select Design > Pushover Analysis > Pushover Hinge Result Table > Safety Verification.


Select Design Tables > Pushover Analysis > Safety Verification  in the Tables tab from the Tree Menu.




The dialogue box that appears for the generation of the safety verification table is subjected to  selection of capacity spectrum for target displacement in Pushover Curve.

  • When Target Displacement for EC8/Masonry is selected in the Pushover Curve


    The following dialogue box will appear once the elements for which the safety verification table has to be generated are defined.

    Set Safety Verification Parameters dialog box


    Pushover Load Case: Specify the pushover load case for which the safety verification table has to be generated.


    Step for Demand: Specify the limit state for which the safety verification table has to be generated.


    Revision of Gen 2010


    The capacity values can also be generated when the safety verification table is generated for the user defined step. The limit state for capacity can be selected.



    Upon executing the Safety Verification function, the Set Safety Verification Parameters Dialog is invoked. Click  after setting the parameters such as load cases, step for demand, confidence factor, and component.


     Safety Verification Table


    Elem: Element Number

    Location: Output position along the length of each element

    Seismic Element: Primary seismic element or secondary seismic element. Secondary seismic elements are specified in Design>Pushover Analysis>Pushover Global Control.

    Load: Name of Pushover Load Case

    Verify Ductile Mechanism: Safety verification for the beams and columns under flexure with orand without axial force.

    Demand: The total chord rotation (elastic plus inelastic part) corresponding to Limit State is considered.

    Capacity: The total chord rotation capacity (elastic plus inelastic part) corresponding to Limit State is considered.

    Remark: Verification results

    Verify Brittle Mechanism: Safety verification for the shear mechanism of beams and columns.

    Demand: The shear force corresponding to Limit State is considered.

    Capacity: The shear resistance corresponding to Limit State is considered.

    Remark: Verification results


    NoteCapacity for assessment


    (1) Reinforced Concrete Structures (Beam & Column) (Eurocode8-3:2004, Annex A.3.1)



    *For ductile elements, mean values of properties divided by CF are used. For brittle members, mean values of properties divided by CF and by partial factor.


    (2) Steel Structures (Beam & Column) (Eurocode8-3:2004, Annex B.5.2)



    *For ductile elements, mean values of properties divided by CF are used. For brittle members, mean values of properties divided by CF and by partial factor.

    *¥èy= MyL/6EI

    Where, My: Yield moment, L: Length of a member, E: Elasticity of Modulus, I: moment of inertiadown text here.

Revision of Gen 2011

  • When Target Displacement for NTC 2008 is selected in the Pushover Curve


    The following dialogue box will appear once the elements for which the safety verification table has to be generated are defined.

    Set Safety Verification Parameters dialog box


    Pushover Load Case: Specify the pushover load case for which the safety verification table has to be generated.


    Step for Demand: Specify the limit state for which the safety verification table has to be generated.


    Revision of Gen 2011


    The capacity values can also be generated when the safety verification table is generated for the user defined step. The

    limit state for capacity can be selected.



    Upon executing the Safety Verification function, the Set Safety Verification Parameters Dialog is invoked.

    Click  after setting the parameters such as load cases, step for demand, confidence factor, and component.


    Safety Verification Table


    Elem: Element Number

    Location: Output position along the length of each element

    Seismic Element: Primary seismic element or secondary seismic element. Secondary seismic elements are specified in Design>Pushover Analysis>Pushover Global Control.

    Load: Name of Pushover Load Case

    Verify Ductile Mechanism: Safety verification for the beams and columns under flexure with orand without axial force.

    Demand: The total chord rotation (elastic plus inelastic part) corresponding to Limit State is considered.

    Capacity: The total chord rotation capacity (elastic plus inelastic part) corresponding to Limit State is considered.

    Remark: Verification results

    Verify Brittle Mechanism: Safety verification for the shear mechanism of beams and columns.

    Demand: The shear force corresponding to Limit State is considered.

    Capacity: The shear resistance corresponding to Limit State is considered.

    Remark: Verification results


    NoteCapacity for assessment


    (1) Reinforced Concrete Structures (Beam & Column) as


    *For ductile elements, mean values of properties divided by CF are used. For brittle members, mean values of properties divided by CF and by partial factor.


    (2) Steel Structures (Beam & Column)



    *For ductile elements, mean values of properties divided by CF are used. For brittle members, mean values of properties divided by CF and by partial factor.

    *¥èy= MyL/6EI

    Where, My: Yield moment, L: Length of a member, E: Elasticity of Modulus, I: moment of inertiadown text here.

    Type your drop-down text here.