Concrete Design Results




Check the design results of RC members by numerical components and contours.


Reinforcing information such as rebar diameter, rebar spacing and required reinforcing steel area can be displayed.


Among the design results of RC members, the ratio of axial stress can be checked separately. (But this is applicable to the column and wall members only.)


In case when Update Rebar is executed after the member design, 'Re-calculation' has to be performed in order to view the Concrete Design Result on the screen.


Note 2

The design results for column and wall members can be checked by load combinations. On the other hand, the design results for beam members can be checked only for the most unfavorable load combination. Because in midas Gen, design results for beam members for each load combination are not stored.

Display the number of tie legs for each direction.




From the Main Menu select Design > Concrete Design Result.



Load Cases/Combinations


Select the desired load case, load combination or envelope.


Click to the right to enter, add or modify load combinations (refer to Load Cases/Combinations).




Ratio by Components


Select the desired component of the design results from the following:


Axial: Axial strength ratio component


Shear-y: Shear strength ratio component in the direction of the

strong axis


Shear-z: Shear strength ratio component in the direction of the weak



Bend-y: Bending strength ratio component due to moment about the

strong axis


Bend-z: Bending strength ratio component due to moment about the

weak axis


Combined: Maximum combined stress component ratio



The Combined option needs to be selected to check the reinforcing information of the design result



Type of Display


Assign the type of display as follows:



Display the design results by contours.

Ranges: Assign the contour ranges.


: Assign the coloring ranges for contour lines. The user may assign specific colors for specific ranges.


Contour Range Max/Min values can be larger than the max/min output values.

  If the Contour Range values exceed the output values, they are entered at Rank 0 and Rank 11.


Number of Colors: Assign the number of colors for the contour (select among 6, 12, 18 & 24 colors)

Gradient Fill: Display the color gradient (shading) in the contour.

Draw Contour Lines: Display the contour lines by colors.

Colors: Assign or alter the colors of the contour.


Color Tables: Assign the type of Colors.


: Control the color of each range in the contour.


Contour Line: Assign the color for contour boundaries.


Element Edge: Assign the color of element edges to appear in the contour.


Organize and display various references related to analysis results either to the right or left of the working window.

Legend Position: Select the position of the legend in the output window

Rank Value Type: Specify a type of values in the Legend and the number of decimal points.


Display the selected design result components by means of numerical values.


The font and color of the numbers can be controlled in Display Option.



When checking the Design Result on the screen, if the design result exceeds the limit value, the text is marked in red color.

Decimal Points: Specify decimal points of the displayed numbers

: Option to express numerical values in exponents

Min & Max: Display the minimum and maximum values

Abs Max
: Display the absolute maximum value

: Display only the maximum value

: Display only the minimum value

Limit Scale(%): S

et the screen limits for displaying design results relative to the maximum or minimum value


The default Decimal Points can be controlled in "Preferences".




Reinforcing results are produced. (Refer to Note.)


Rebar: Reinforcing bar diameter and spacing


Area: Required reinforcing steel area


Ratio: Steel reinforcement ratio


Display: Select the types of elements for which design reinforcing information will be displayed.


Output Component: Select the component to be displayed.



Ratio of Axial Stress


Main Rebar: Main rebar design result


Shear Reinforcement: Shear reinforcement design result


Column Section Size: Display of column section sizes can be scaled.


Value Option: Specify the number of decimal points for displayed values.



Note. Display of reinforcement

 From the V600 of MIDAS/Gen, reinforcing information such as rebar diameter, rebar spacing and required reinforcing steel area can be checked in 'Concrete / SRC Design Result'.


1) When 'Rebar' is selected in Reinforcement


2) When 'Area' is selected in Reinforcement


1. Rebar information for beams


Design results for the beam ич in the Figs. 1) & 2) above are produced.



3) Beam design results (Graphic)


The rebar diameter and spacing denoted by A in Fig. 3) are produced when 'Rebar' is selected in the Reinforcement option in Fig. 1). If 'Area' is selected, the required reinforcing steel areas are produced as denoted by B in Fig. 3).



2. Rebar information for columns


Design results for the column иш in the Figs. 1) & 2) above are produced.


4) Column design results (Graphic)


5) Reinforcing information of column by selecting 'Rebar'


6) Reinforcing information of column by selecting 'Area'


The following outlines the reinforcing information in Figs. 5) & 6):


a. (Uc): Ratio of axial stress of the column (N/(fc' X Ag))


b. (As-corner): Number of corner rebars & rebar area


Ex.) 4-#7 = 4 X 0.6 = 2.4 in2


c & d (Asy, Asz): Number of rebars and rebar area on a single side    


e. (Asv): Tie (shear) reinforcing spacing of column, Sc and rebar area within the spacing


Based on the reinforcing information noted at b, c & d above, the total number of rebars then becomes,


b+ ((c - 2) + (d - 2)) X 2 = 4 + ((6 - 2) + (7 - 2)) X 2 = 22


The number of rebars on one side (Asz)=5


22-6-#7 (See C in Fig. 4)



3. Rebar information for walls


Design results for the wall ич in the Figs. 7) & 8) are produced.


7) Reinforcing information of wall by selecting 'Rebar'


8) Reinforcing information of column by selecting 'Area'


The following outlines the reinforcing information in Figs. 7) & 8):


a. (Uc): Ratio of axial stress of the wall (N/(fc' X Ag))


b. (V)8-#4@16": Number of vertical rebars and spacing or vertical reinforcing steel area per unit length (in2/in)        


c. (E)12-#3@6": Number of end rebars and spacing or total amount of reinforcing steel (in2)  


d. (H)#3@11": Number of horizontal rebars and spacing or horizontal reinforcing steel area per unit length (in2/in)     



Output Section Location(Beam)


Check RC member design results by sectional locations. It can be used only when "Values" of "Type of Display" is selected.


I, Center, J: Represent the RC beam member's sectional locations. The user can not select the locations. It is automatically selected following the selection of "Max" or "All".


Max: Maximum values appear at every RC beam member.


All: Values appear at each location of RC beam members.



 : Apply the entered values to the selected members.


 : Close the Entry Dialog Bar.