Story Shear (Response Spectrum Analysis) Table




Check the story inertia forces and story shear forces from the response spectrum analysis results in a spreadsheet format table.


When "Story Shear Force Ratio>Consider Story Module"is checked in the "Model/Building/Control Data", accurate shear forces can be obtained for the story having the overlapping Module.


When Modules are defined in Results > Result Tables > Story > Define Module, the Module data is displayed in the first column of the table.


Table Tool in midas Gen offers a variety of powerful built-in functions. Refer to the following items for detail directions:

Usage of Table Tool




Familiarize with Usage


Basic directions (Cell motion, selection, size control, etc.)


Data manipulation (Add, delete, modify data, etc.)


Copy/Paste data using clipboard


Supplementary Table functions


Table Sorting


Table format setting


Auto-fit column width


Graph printing


Supplementary functions by Table types


Node/Element Table


Results Table




From the Main Menu select Results > Result Tables > Story > Story Shear(Response Spectrum Analysis).


Select Result Tables > Story > Story Shear(Response Spectrum Analysis) in the Tables tab of the Tree Menu.





From the Records Activation Dialog, select the Spectrum Load Cases for which story shear forces will be checked.




                                                                                    Record Activation dialog box



Refer to Usage of Table Tool and check the following data:


    0-rectangle.jpgWhen Modules are not defined



0-Check.jpgStory Shear (for R.S)




Story Shear (for R.S) tab


Story: Story ID


Level: Story Elevation


Spectrum: Response spectrum load case


Inertia Force: Story inertia force


Shear Force: Story shear force


Spring Reaction: Reaction of a spring entered as a boundary condition (linear spring support)


Without Spring: Story shear force less the spring reaction


With Spring: Story shear force including the spring reaction


The story inertia force is calculated from the member forces o
f the relevant story.


Eccentricity: Eccentricity from the mass center


Story Force: Shear force at each story level



Shear Force represents the sum of shear forces of all the upper stories as well as the corresponding story, and Story Force represents the shear force acting on the corresponding story.


Eccentric Moment: Story Shear * Eccentricity


These items are produced only when we apply 'Consider Accidental Eccentricity' in Load > Response Spectrum Analysis Data > Response Spectrum Load Cases.



0-Check.jpgStory Shear Force Coefficient




Story Shear Force Coefficient tab


Story: Story ID


Spectrum: Response spectrum load case


Shear Force: Story shear force


Weight Sum: Total weight


Story Shear Force Co: Story shear force coefficient


Produce the Story Shear Force Coefficient of (Roof level - 1) by dividing the story shear force of (Roof level-1) by the total weight of Roof level. The Story Shear Force Coefficient for roof level is ruled out. Base shear of a building structure divided by total weight will be the Story Shear Force Coefficient of bottom floor (1F).


    0-rectangle.jpgWhen Modules are defined



0-Check.jpgStory Shear (for R.S)




Story Shear (for R.S) tab


Story: Story ID


Level: Story Elevation


Spectrum: Response spectrum load case


Inertia Force: Story inertia force


Shear Force: Story shear force


Spring Reaction: Reaction of a spring entered as a boundary condition (linear spring support)


Without Spring: Story shear force less the spring reaction


With Spring: Story shear force including the spring reaction


The story inertia force is calculated from the member forces of the relevant story.


Eccentricity: Eccentricity from the mass center


Story Force: Shear force at each story level


Shear Force represents the sum of shear forces of all the upper stories as well as the corresponding story, and Story Force represents the shear force acting on the corresponding story.


Eccentric Moment: Story Shear * Eccentricity


These items are produced only when we apply 'Consider Accidental Eccentricity' in Load > Response Spectrum Analysis Data > Response Spectrum Load Cases.



0-Check.jpgStory Shear Force Coefficient




Story Shear Force Coefficient tab


Story: Story ID


Spectrum: Response spectrum load case


Shear Force: Story shear force


Weight Sum: Total weight


Story Shear Force Co: Story shear force coefficient


Produce the Story Shear Force Coefficient of (Roof level - 1) by dividing the story shear force of (Roof level-1) by the total weight of Roof level. The Story Shear Force Coefficient for roof level is ruled out. Base shear of a building structure divided by total weight will be the Story Shear Force Coefficient of bottom floor (1F).