Click to the right of Elastic Link: Display the Elastic Link Table
Boundary Group Name
Select a Boundary Group in which the specified boundary condition is included. Select "Default" if Group assignment is unnecessary. Click to the right to prompt the "Define Boundary Group" dialog box to add, modify or delete Boundary Groups.
Add/Replace: Enter or replace elastic links
Delete: Delete previously entered elastic links
Elastic Link Data
Type: Assign an elastic link type.
General Type: General elastic link (6dof)
Rigid Type: Rigid link element
In case of Rigid Type, the element stiffness is automatically calculated based on the working model. The applied stiffness of the link can be checked in the text output file (*.out) after performing analysis.
Tens.-only: Tension-only elastic link
Comp.-only: Compression-only elastic link
When an elastic link is assigned as tension-only or compression-only, only element's axial stiffness can be applied. The elastic link observes the Iteration method defined in Main Control Data identical to tension- and compression-only.
Multi-Linear: Multi-linear type elastic link
SDx: Stiffness in the element's local x-direction
SDy: Stiffness in the element's local y-direction
SDz: Stiffness in the element's local z-direction
SRx: Rotational stiffness about the element's local x-axis
SRy: Rotational stiffness about the element's local y-axis
SRz: Rotational stiffness about the element's local z-axis
Shear Spring Location
Save the locations of shear springs used in elastic link elements.
Distance Ratio From End I
Specify the locations of the shear springs relative to the length of the elastic link elements starting from i-node.
Direction: Enter the direction of a spring with respect to the node local coordinate system
Beta Angle: Angle defining the elastic link orientation