Construction Stage Analysis Control




Enter the analysis conditions for a Construction Stage analysis. Define the final construction stage and select the analysis features among the features, which reflect the time dependent material properties and geometric nonlinearity. To achieve more accurate results for creep and shrinkage in a long duration construction stage, we may select the option of auto-generating steps.

  • midas Gen considers the following items for a Construction Stage analysis:


The procedure for construction stage analysis is shown below.




1. Define material properties


2. Define section properties


3. Define groups

-Structure groups

-Boundary groups

-Load groups


① Define Structure Group...

② Define Boundary Group...

③ Define Load Group...

4. Create elements and assign them to the structure groups

Model>Elements>Create Elements...

5. Define boundary conditions and assign them to the boundary groups


6. Enter loads and assign them to the load groups


7. Define time dependent material (concrete)

-Creep, Shrinkage, Compressive strength


① Time Dependent Material (Creep/Shrinkage) ...

② Time Dependent Material (Comp. Strength) ...

8. Assign the time history material data to the material properties (concrete)

Model>Properties>Time Dependent Material Link...

9. Apply the geometric shape dimension of frame elements to calculate creep/shrinkage

Model>Properties>Change Element Dependent Material Property...

10. Construction stage

- Specify the duration of the construction stage

- Activate or deactivate relevant element (structure) groups

- Activate or deactivate relevant boundary groups

- Activate or deactivate relevant load groups

Load>Construction Stage Analysis Data>Define Construction Stage...

11. Construction stage analysis option

- Considering time dependent effect

- Load Cases to be distinguished from Dead Load

Analysis>Construction Stage Analysis Control

12. Perform analysis

Analysis>Perform Analysis...

13. Check analysis results for each construction stage


14. Check column shortening

Results>Column Shortening Graph for C.S.




From the Main Menu select Analysis > Analysis Control > Construction Stage Analysis Control.





0-Check.jpg Final Stage


Assign a stage to be considered as the Final Stage of the construction stage analysis.


Last Stage
Assign the last stage as the true last stage.


Other Stage
Assign a stage within the overall construction stages as the final stage.



0-Check.jpg Analysis Option


Include Non-Linear Analysis

Check to reflect the change of geometric shapes of the geometric nonlinear analysis in the construction stage analysis. Geometric Nonlinear analysis for Independent Stage Model cannot account for time dependent effects simultaneously.  However, with Accumulative Geometric Nonlinear Stage Model, the program not only accounts for time dependent effects but also has an option to select the Pretension Type of cables and calculates tangential displacements while taking Lack of Fit Forces into account.


Independent Stage

Geometric nonlinear analysis is carried out independently in models of each construction stage. This option is used for the backward analysis of a suspension bridge considering large displacement.


Accumulated Stage

Geometric nonlinear analysis is carried out with accumulated effects of the models of each construction stage. This option is used for the forward analysis of a cable stayed bridge considering large displacement.


Include Time Dependent Effect

Check to reflect the time dependent material properties such as the change of modulus of elasticity, creep and shrinkage in the construction stage analysis.




0-Check.jpg Non-linear Analysis


If 'Include Non-Linear Analysis' is checked on in the Analysis Option, enter the following information:


Maximum Number of Iterations/Load Step
Maximum number of iterations of analysis per Load Step.


Convergence Criteria
Specify the basis on which to assess the convergence. Enter the norm values for Energy (Member force x displacement), displacement and member forces.


The selection of the convergence criteria for repeating or ending the analysis must be based on the condition to reflect the effects of various degrees of freedom. For example, in the case of Displacement Norm, if the displacement resulting from the corresponding analysis
step is {D1}, and the total displacement accumulated from each step is {D2}, the Norm is expressed as 08-CSAC-2.jpg. If this value is smaller than the specified value, a convergence is considered to have occurred and the program stops the iterative analysis.



0-Check.jpg Cable-Pretension Force Control


Define the method of applying the pretension forces of cable elements.


Internal force: Apply the pretension forces as internal forces.


External force: Apply the pretension forces as external forces.


Add: Add external pretension forces to the pre-existing tension forces of cable elements.


Replace: Replace the pre-existing tension forces of cable elements with applied external pretension forces.


If the initial pretension forces are applied as internal forces, the forces in the cable elements become reduced due to the deformation of the support structure based on its stiffness. If the initial pretension forces are applied as external forces, the forces are treated as external loads to the support structure at the construction stage of pretensioning; hence the forces in the cable elements remain unchanged as the initial pretension forces at the corresponding construction stage.



0-Check.jpg Composite Section


If the 'Calculate Output of Each part' option is selected, the construction stage analysis results of composite sections by each Part will be produced. The analysis result for each Part can be checked in Result >> Result Tables >> Composite Section for C.S.



0-Check.jpg Load Cases to be distinguished from Dead Load for CS Output


Dead Load is generally the most significant component of all the loads applied to construction stage analysis. The results of all the load cases except for Creep, Shrinkage and Relaxation of Tendons are lumped into CS: Dead Load. Here we can select certain load cases to be distinguished from the Dead Load and produce the results under CS: Erection Load.


Load Case: Select the Load cases to be distinguished from Dead Load


Load Type for CS:Erection Load: Specify a load type classified into CS:Erection, which is differently categorized from CS:Dead. This is effective when the Auto Generation function of Combinations is used. If the Auto Generation function is not used, it makes no difference which type will be selected.


0-Add.jpg : Add selected load cases to the list.


0-Delete.jpg: Delete selected load cases from the list.


0-Check.jpg Time Dependent Effect


If 'Include Time Dependent Effect' is checked on in the Analysis Option, enter the following information: Define the material properties related to creep and shrinkage in  Time Dependent Material (Creep/Shrinkage).


Creep & Shrinkage



Select one of the options for considering creep and/or shrinkage.



Convergence for Creep Iteration

Specify the convergence requirement for ending the repetitive process in the analysis reflecting creep.


Number of Iterations: Maximum number of repetitions


Tolerance: for convergence


Only User's Creep Coefficient

Perform the construction stage analysis only using the creep coefficients entered by the user. Creep coefficients are entered by elements in Creep Coefficient for Construction Stage.


Internal Time Steps for Creep

Specify a number, which is used to divide a construction stage to create internal steps for considering creep.



Internal Steps are applied in the process of analysis, and the corresponding analysis results are not produced.


Auto Time Step Generation for Large Time Gap

Specify a number, which is used to divide a construction stage to create internal steps when the duration of the construction stage is too long.



Internal Steps are applied in the process of analysis, and the corresponding analysis results are not produced.


Tendon Tension Loss Effect (Creep & Shrinkage)

Check on to reflect the effect of prestressing tension loss of tendons due to creep and shrinkage. Define the tendon properties of the prestressing loss in "Tendon Property".


Variation of Comp. Strength

Check on to reflect the change of modulus of elasticity related to the change of compressive strength of concrete. The maturity variant property is defined in "Time Dependent Material (Comp. Strength)".


Tendon Tension Loss Effect (Elastic Shortening)

Check on to reflect the prestressing tension loss of tendons due to the elastic deformations of concrete.



Prestressing tension loss in tendons due to elastic deformations is caused by other loadings such as live loads, creep, shrinkage, prestressing other tendons, etc after the prestressing force is applied. Note that it is not the same as the elastic shortening loss, which is one of the instantaneous losses.


08-CSAC-3.jpg: Remove the conditions for a construction stage analysis. The construction stage analysis is not performed in this case.


Note 1

The following Load Cases are automatically generated when construction stage analysis is completed.





1. CS: Dead Load


Results due to all loadings excluding Erection Load and the effects of Creep, Shrinkage and Tendon Prestress

2. CS: Erection Load


Results due to dead loads, which are separated from CS: Dead Load, defined in Construction Stage Analysis Control Data dialog

3. CS : Tendon Primary




Deformation resulting from tendon prestress


Member forces resulting from tendon prestress

4. CS: Tendon Secondary


Reactions caused by Tendon Prestress in an indeterminate structure.


Member forces caused by Tendon Prestress in an indeterminate structure.

5. CS: Creep Primary




Deformation due to imaginary forces required to cause creep stain


Deformation due to imaginary forces required to cause creep stain

6. CS: Creep Secondary


Reactions caused by creep in an indeterminate structure


Member forces caused by creep in an indeterminate structure

7. CS: Shrinkage Primary




Deformation due to imaginary forces required to cause shrinkage stain


Imaginary forces required to cause shrinkage stain

8. CS: Shrinkage Secondary


Reactions caused by shrinkage in an indeterminate structure


Member forces caused by shrinkage in an indeterminate structure

CS: Summation









Note 2 Tendon Primary (CS) vs. Secondary (CS)


Tendon Primary represents member forces caused by Tendon Prestress forces. Tendon Secondary represents member forces resulting from Tendon Prestress forces acting in an indeterminate structure. To check analysis results, Primary and Secondary can be regarded as internal forces and external forces respectively. For design, however, the program internally recalculates member forces due to Primary considering the translation of neutral axis so as to use them as internal forces, and member forces due to Secondary are used as external forces.



 tri.jpgRevision of Gen 2014 (v1.1)


Q1. There are construction stage load cases, namely, “creep primary”, “creep secondary”, “shrinkage primary” and “shrinkage secondary”. What are the meaning of “primary” and “secondary”, their differences and application?