Drain Spacing |
Determine the optimal layout of drainage after repeatedly analyzing drainage by changing the spacing. Applicable Modules:
the Main
Menu, select 1D
Consolidation > Parametric Analysis > Drain Spacing
From the Command Line, type 'DefineDrainCTC' or 'DCTC' |
NameTitle of the Parametric Analysis.
Reference Analysis Case Select the Analysis
Case for which Parametric Analysis will be performed. If the Analysis
Case has not been previously defined, click
Select Soft Ground Surface Select the Drain
Property for the Parametric Analysis of the targeted ground.
If the property has not been previously defined, click
Drain Spacing Enter the Drain Spacing for the selected range.
Note: Drain Spacing Parametric Analysis can be created only when the analysis type is 1D-Consolidation Analysis. The analysis cannot be performed for Construction Stage Analysis.