Check Geometry



IMG_C_ICON_DOT.gifCheck the detailed information of a selected shape.



Check shape

Select the geometry shape to be checked and select the option to view the information on the screen. The geometric information is also shown on the output window.

[Free Edge (Red)]

The object outlines are indicated in red.

[Manifold Edge (Green)]  

The edges between 2 meeting faces are indicated in green.  

[Non-Manifold Edge (Blue)]

The edges between 3 meeting faces are indicated in blue.

[Small Edge (Orange)]

The edges shorter than the input length are indicated in orange.

[Small Face (Yellow)]

The faces smaller than the input area are indicated in yellow.


Repair Shape

Find and modify geometric errors automatically for atypical and inaccurate shape. The user can perform the function when have failed to create mesh for selected geometry. Recommended to be performed "Geometry Clean Geometry Simplify Topology Optimize" continuously.


Geometry Clean : Modify invalid shape



 Geometry Simplify :  Modify irregular shape

·            B-Spline surface ; Plane, Cylinder, Sphere, Cone and Torus

·            B-Spline curve ; Line, Circle and Ellipse

·            Irregular shape : Normalized and primitive shape



 Topology Optimize :  Performance improvement in creating mesh

·            Simplify geometry and delete duplicated edge / surface automatically



Check the connection of lines. When importing geometry shapes from CAD, this option can be used to check for areas that are not connected.