Heat Source



IMG_C_ICON_DOT.gif An exothermic load is a modeling of the heat generated in a solid body, and is defined as the energy per unit time of a unit volume. The larger the volume of the structure, the greater the total calorific value, and it plays a similar role to the self weight in structural analysis. A time function can also be applied.







Enter the name of the condition of heat generation (source).



Select the type of target objects to which the transient heat generation conditions will be applied.  Element, 1D Element, 2D Element, 3D Element, Edge, Face and Part can be selected.


 Heat Generation

 Enter the magnitude of heat generation per unit volume.


 Base Function

Set a spatial function or a non-spatial function as a base function to be applied to the magnitude of heat


Time Function

Select the function to be applied to time.

 Global Time

The time applied to the time function is based on the total analysis time.

 Local Time

The time applied to the time function is based on the subcase time.


Thermal Load

Register the specified heat generation conditions to a desired thermal load set.  
The user may assign any name to the load set