Node Local Axis




Declare a local coordinate system for selected nodes to enter boundary conditions or produce output for reactions.




From the Main Menu select Boundary > Etc. > Node's local Axis.



Click 00-Point.jpg to the right of Node Local Axis: Display the Node Local Axis Table



00-Check.jpg Options


Add/Replace: Enter or replace a local coordinate system for selected nodes


Delete: Delete previously entered node's local coordinate system for selected nodes



00-Check.jpg Define Local Axis


Input Method: Select a method of specifying the node's local coordinate system.


Angle: Specify 3 angles of rotation to define the node's local coordinate system


about x: Angle of rotation about GCS X-axis


about y: Angle of rotation about y'-axis rotated about X-axis


about z: Angle of rotation about z"-axis rotated about X- and y'-axes




3 points: Specify 3 nodal coordinates to define the node's local coordinate system


00-mouse.jpg P0: Coordinates of the origin of the node's local coordinate system


00-mouse.jpg P1: Coordinates of an arbitrary node on the node's local x-axis


00-mouse.jpg P2: Coordinates of a node moved from P1, parallel to the node's local y-axis



Vector: Specify 2 vectors to define the node's local coordinate system


00-mouse.jpg V1: x-direction vector starting from the origin of the node's local coordinate system


00-mouse.jpg V2: Vector starting from the origin of the node's local coordinate system to the point P2 of the 3 points method above



The following are the application functions for Node Local Axis:


"Point Spring Supports"

"General Spring Supports"

"Surface Spring Supports" (in case of Convert to Point Spring)

"Specified Displacements of Supports"

"Reaction Forces/Moments" of "Reactions"

"Reactions" of "Influence Lines"

"Reactions" of "Influence Surfaces"